Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Next New

The new media that I would suggest is not out yet which is the speed tracking system in cars. Since we are all aware of the consequences of driving fast and how it can be costly for a driver or other passengers if he's into driving fast. I would suggest a software that could be build up in latest cars which could limit the pace of the car. Generally, we know drunk driving and speeding occurs during the night time usually in the midnight. The new software would have the capability to limit the speed by considering the timing of the day. For example,if its past 10pm at night the speed tracker would automatically be activated itself. During late night the traffic is less on the road the driver tend to speed up when the roads are clear or when someone is drunk driving. 

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Wiki So Far

So I started contributing on Wiki by adding specific information for what I think  was interesting.
Under the topic, Mobile devices, I made edits on the Apple devices where I added the section of AirPods.  Beside this I also added a section for Transportation topic, and commented on the mobile app for train schedules and procedures for buying the ticket. 

I described the basic features of an Airpod  and how to use it and shared the current retail price of it.


When we talk about file sharing we start with the basic thing as permission. Permission are the rights that people have to which allows people to read, write and execute the file. Owner is a person who created the file originally and he will decide who can read or execute the file. File sharing is a document or digital information you share with the the second person through network or internet.
P2P file sharing is the way large files are organized and shared on the internet. P2P files give access to media files via P2P network through software which keeps two computer connected. Some examples of P2P file would be android or software called BitTorrent which allows multiple users to access file at the same time. Such as downloading movie from torrent could make your internet slow and could face a copyright issue.
In the article that I was reading, they were discussing about different way to borrow money from people without any linkage with the banking system. Borrowers and lenders could directly meet each other the internet and could start the process of borrowing without any hassle.

  1. Peers Find Less Pressure Borrowing From Each Other May 10, 2013 http://www.npr.org/blogs/alltechconsidered/2013/05/10/182651552/peers-find-less-pressure-borrowing-from-each-other

Monday, November 13, 2017


The issues related to new media are privacy and confidentiality, which have become a threat when we are part of the social network sites. As such, Facebook users who are connected to people around the world disclose their personal opinion or expose unnecessary information which is a dangerous attempt to harm yourself. Revelation of such information can lead to identity theft, stalking and sexual harassment which could be a major issue. That is why these websites are relying on setting up some standard for their users privacy which could protect them from potential attacks  Users should be aware of those threats and consider different alternatives to manage their profile so the information remain exclusive to limited people. 


New Media could have great impact in the life of a student and there are plenty of ways new media can play part in providing education in an efficient way. For instance, for some personal emergency student didn't make it to the class and unfortunately missed the lecture. Baruch college should come up with a policy which could allow Professors to video record the lecture and share it with the student who didn't attend the class. The video should only  be made available on blackboard with legit reasons and with some evidence of skipping  the class.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Creativity and New Media

I made my own custom emoji avatar through the app called Bitmoji. Bitmoji is actually connected to Snapchat account and in order for you to get going is by first  updating the Snapchat. To access Bitmoji, I first went to the feature of it on Snapchat which automatically take me to the app for it to get downloaded. Secondly, then I edit myself by trying different clothes and facial features . Its cool how you look as a cartoon. Once you are done with that you could save it and it will let you use it on the Snapchat simultaneously. Snapchat also bring in the 3D version of the emoji where you can move it, make it larger and smaller while it does all sort of things.


Creativity can be thought of production of novels, useful ideas and problem solutions. This is  typically done by selecting ideas and then testing them against relevant ideas for appropriateness and usefulness.
For example, small business have to market their product and want to reach wide audience  they take use of the internet or other social media sites where they present themselves in front of potential customers.
Another way new media could open the door for creativity is by getting to know about their customers interest. Social media site such as Twitter is a medium for the employers and tech developers to collect useful facts about users point of view. It help them determine what is the latest trend which is really attracting the customers. This idea was supported by the article, "Twitter Serves Up Ideas From Its Follower".

  1. Twitter Serves Up Ideas From Its Followers by CLAIRE CAIN MILLER, the New York Times, October 26, 2009. Available at:http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/26/technology/internet/26twitter.html

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Virtual world is the online environments that have  game-like immersion and social media functionality. At the heart is a sense of presence with other at the same time and in the same place. The most common use of it is for the gaming. Its gives you real life game experience as it seems you are there in the actual game. It could be used in health care industry. For example, it would be a good tool to use is for treatment and computer-generated images for diagnosis. shopping could be another region where virtual world could exist. Different virtual applications provide tour of the entire store which gives shoppers a real time shopping experience. Even students could get lectures while just sitting at home, giving them a environment of being presented in a class room. According to the article, 'After Second life, Can Virtual World Get a Reboot?', it says, that virtual world can give us social connectivity, built in support groups, and ways to avoid ever being alone.

    Lets discuss the positive and negative side of the Virtual World. The pro's are, it helps treating phobias for people who are afraid of being near animals and objects. Cons on the other side is that it interfere with the ability to perceive and react to real experiences without physically being available. In coming future tech developers would be interesting in inventing a new way of using different applications like Facebook and MySpace. This idea was supported in the article,' I've Been in that Club, just not in real life.'.


  1. After Second Life, Can Virtual Worlds Get A Reboot. April 30, 2013. http://www.forbes.com/sites/dianemehta/2013/04/30/after-second-life-can-virtual-worlds-get-a-reboot/ or Below.
  2. "I've Been in That Club, Just Not in Real Life" by Dave Itzkoff, The New York Times, January 6, 2008, available athttp://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/06/arts/television/06itzk.html 

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Blog about Twitter

Twitter social sites is the medium to discuss and share about the trending news. It could also be so general, that whatever your view is you can share it people you know. While, on blackboard your discussion is specific and limited to your course. The discussion is so precise and formal because you know are graded for that. On Twitter you have the opportunity to expand your network by following as many people as you want. But on blackboard you are restricted to connect to your classmates only. Twitter gives us the opportunity to do media sharing to explain your point of view but in class you only can speak and on a minimum basis. 

Social Networking Sites

Facebook and Twitter is kind of similar social network sites designed to allow users to connect to other users. On Facebook people share their ideas and feelings via status and on Twitter it is done with tweets. Facebook networks people while Twitter networks latest topic trending. The two other social sites are Instagram where people just share their pictures and there is an option to comment also. On LinkedIn users tend to portray themselves as professional individuals where their profile is related to their career.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Social Networking

Technology have been playing a vital role in our current life. From people sharing their feelings on Facebook to potential candidates browsing for jobs on LinkedIn. Everything could be done using the latest technology through social networking. Facebook, currently is the most famous social media network which connects people instantly. It helps people to keep themselves up-to-date in front of friends and family. According to the magazine, 'Being There', " Of course all Facebook status updates are fresh when they're written  and I,m often slow reviewing everyone's post; it's my fault when I'm stuck with day-old news about pork, bread and marmalade". Moreover it helps many big corporations/firms during their busy season, to interview via Skype since they have lot of candidates who applied for different positions within their firm. This increases the productivity of conducting interviews compare to in person interviews.

Although social networking has lots of benefits it still carries lots of drawbacks with itself. When you are engaged majorly on social sites then you are under radar of exposing yourself to the third party sites and hackers which can exploit your personal information. That's why many of these social sites have shown their concern towards users privacy. They are implementing new settings and upgrades which could minimize the occurrence of negative events. In the article, ' Who Cares About Facebook Privacy? Students Do' its says, "The authors speculate that the increased privacy interest could come from public attention devoted to the subject, from more changes in Facebook’s default settings, or from prompts that Facebook shows users". This indicate that Facebook are interested in keeping their users privacy safe and have shown concern.

  1. "Who Cares About Facebook Privacy? Students Do" By Marc Parry, NY Times, July 29, 2010, Available at http://chronicle.com/blogPost/Who-Cares-About-Facebook/25877/?sid=wc&utm_source=wc&utm_medium=en
  2. Being There: The subtle art of the Facebook update, by Virginia Heffernan. The New York Times Magazine, Feb 15, 2009, p. 25. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/15/magazine/15wwln-medium-t.html

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Blogs vs Wiki

Blogs and wiki are referred as essential online source for information. The information provided in these forum could reach large audience and it holds a great multiplicity for knowledge and information. Both of these are consider as the basic student collaboration tool today. Let's start with blogs, it is serve as a medium for recording thoughts  and impression on a particular topic. It provides the opportunity for readers to share their point of view by commenting under the article/journal. Most of the discussion take place in the comment regarding the post and most importantly author/user is able to generate instant feedback about the post. According to the article, 'Wal-mart Tastemakers write Unfiltered blog', "Wal-mart says the website helps buyer solicit quick feedback from consumers on the merchandise". This prove my point about the usefulness of feedback option in blogs. On the other hand, Wiki, which is an online software tool that allows multiple users to collaborate and generate web content typically for reference purposes. The pages on the wiki can be edited/changed by a group or a team. The main concern about the wiki is the possibility of unverified information which could be misleading and can have unwanted information which is just there for no use. My idea is further supported in the article, 'More on how to build your own Wikipedia', " An anything-goes attitude. You want to encourage users to contribute and discuss wiki content, but someone has to make sure it stays relevant. Wiki administrators must keep pages and entries clean and orderly or the wiki won't be useful".  
      Today's networked world allows more people to share their personal information such as opinions or ideas. The could learn anything from each other by just staying home instead of putting efforts to find books in a library.  
       Blogs can also be used as collaboration by first posting an interesting article you wrote and want some feed backs or more ideas. The audience would simply keep on sharing their point of view under the comment section and this way the author could gain some key information from its audience or viewers. 
    I really would love to see  a video sharing tool in wiki so that it makes it more attractive for the users and would encourage them more to collaborate them. Sometime the visual could work better than the words in order to gain any knowledge.

  1. Wiki While You Work; The technology popularized by Wikipedia can help companies gather and manage their own collective knowledge. Here's how to get started by Margaret Locher. CIO, May 1, 2008. Vol. 21, Iss. 14. Available at: http://www.cio.com/article/336818/More_on_How_to_Build_Your_Own_Wikipedia  
  2. Wal-Mart Tastemakers Write a Blunt and Unfiltered Blog, NY Times, march 3, 2008, p. C1, at:http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/03/business/03walmart.html

Monday, September 11, 2017

Social Networking- Better or Worse than real thing? Muhammad Ahmad Motti

Social Networking have become quite common and a famous way of communicating with the people around you. It had posted some big questions marks on old media which is diminishing in our real life. It brings up big dilemma when it comes to whether its better or worse. There are always good or bad side of anything; it depends on your perspective on how you perceive it. Likewise social networking have pros and cons too. Lets discuss the positive sides of social networking. Firstly, it connects one another even having a distance relationship. You could connect with your friends and family with whom we are unable to meet in person. Plus, it helps a person in sharing his/her perception about anything. Social network provides you the opportunity of having vast audience/viewers where you can convey or share your message. It also provides businesses with different  opportunities of promoting their product since they know social network have become part of people's life. On the other hand, it has some negatives also, like it leads us to isolation meaning that excess usage of social media will separate us from real interaction. It also can be addictive and could make us depressed by comparing someone identity by saying 'why I am not like him'. Lastly, it is affecting employee's productivity. During work majority of the employees are busy in texting or using Facebook which could affect his work and he won't be able to finish it timely manner. In conclusion, I think the effects of social networking have been somewhat balanced. It has a good and a bad side but really depends on the person that how efficiently is he/she using it.