Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Next New

The new media that I would suggest is not out yet which is the speed tracking system in cars. Since we are all aware of the consequences of driving fast and how it can be costly for a driver or other passengers if he's into driving fast. I would suggest a software that could be build up in latest cars which could limit the pace of the car. Generally, we know drunk driving and speeding occurs during the night time usually in the midnight. The new software would have the capability to limit the speed by considering the timing of the day. For example,if its past 10pm at night the speed tracker would automatically be activated itself. During late night the traffic is less on the road the driver tend to speed up when the roads are clear or when someone is drunk driving. 

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Wiki So Far

So I started contributing on Wiki by adding specific information for what I think  was interesting.
Under the topic, Mobile devices, I made edits on the Apple devices where I added the section of AirPods.  Beside this I also added a section for Transportation topic, and commented on the mobile app for train schedules and procedures for buying the ticket. 

I described the basic features of an Airpod  and how to use it and shared the current retail price of it.


When we talk about file sharing we start with the basic thing as permission. Permission are the rights that people have to which allows people to read, write and execute the file. Owner is a person who created the file originally and he will decide who can read or execute the file. File sharing is a document or digital information you share with the the second person through network or internet.
P2P file sharing is the way large files are organized and shared on the internet. P2P files give access to media files via P2P network through software which keeps two computer connected. Some examples of P2P file would be android or software called BitTorrent which allows multiple users to access file at the same time. Such as downloading movie from torrent could make your internet slow and could face a copyright issue.
In the article that I was reading, they were discussing about different way to borrow money from people without any linkage with the banking system. Borrowers and lenders could directly meet each other the internet and could start the process of borrowing without any hassle.

  1. Peers Find Less Pressure Borrowing From Each Other May 10, 2013 http://www.npr.org/blogs/alltechconsidered/2013/05/10/182651552/peers-find-less-pressure-borrowing-from-each-other

Monday, November 13, 2017


The issues related to new media are privacy and confidentiality, which have become a threat when we are part of the social network sites. As such, Facebook users who are connected to people around the world disclose their personal opinion or expose unnecessary information which is a dangerous attempt to harm yourself. Revelation of such information can lead to identity theft, stalking and sexual harassment which could be a major issue. That is why these websites are relying on setting up some standard for their users privacy which could protect them from potential attacks  Users should be aware of those threats and consider different alternatives to manage their profile so the information remain exclusive to limited people. 


New Media could have great impact in the life of a student and there are plenty of ways new media can play part in providing education in an efficient way. For instance, for some personal emergency student didn't make it to the class and unfortunately missed the lecture. Baruch college should come up with a policy which could allow Professors to video record the lecture and share it with the student who didn't attend the class. The video should only  be made available on blackboard with legit reasons and with some evidence of skipping  the class.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Creativity and New Media

I made my own custom emoji avatar through the app called Bitmoji. Bitmoji is actually connected to Snapchat account and in order for you to get going is by first  updating the Snapchat. To access Bitmoji, I first went to the feature of it on Snapchat which automatically take me to the app for it to get downloaded. Secondly, then I edit myself by trying different clothes and facial features . Its cool how you look as a cartoon. Once you are done with that you could save it and it will let you use it on the Snapchat simultaneously. Snapchat also bring in the 3D version of the emoji where you can move it, make it larger and smaller while it does all sort of things.


Creativity can be thought of production of novels, useful ideas and problem solutions. This is  typically done by selecting ideas and then testing them against relevant ideas for appropriateness and usefulness.
For example, small business have to market their product and want to reach wide audience  they take use of the internet or other social media sites where they present themselves in front of potential customers.
Another way new media could open the door for creativity is by getting to know about their customers interest. Social media site such as Twitter is a medium for the employers and tech developers to collect useful facts about users point of view. It help them determine what is the latest trend which is really attracting the customers. This idea was supported by the article, "Twitter Serves Up Ideas From Its Follower".

  1. Twitter Serves Up Ideas From Its Followers by CLAIRE CAIN MILLER, the New York Times, October 26, 2009. Available at:http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/26/technology/internet/26twitter.html